Note that NVivo (2020) can open and convert files from previous versions of the software but earlier versions cannot use version 2020 files.NVivo (2020) is the current release and is the only version available under this agreement.Another option exists for local installations – this involves completing the NVivo Licence Request form and downloading and installing the software on your own computer (Windows or Mac).You can use the instructions on our Virtual Computing Lab page or contact Health Computing Office staff for assistance. An online version of NVivo can be run on any computer using a browser, from anywhere. This is the preferred option for teaching.This license replaces the one based in the Faculty of Health up to December 2022. More information can be found at NVivo - IST Knowledge Base. The licenses are managed by Information Systems and Technology. Starting with the Spring 2023 term, the University of Waterloo has purchased NVivo licenses to support teaching and research activities based at the University of Waterloo. What is the best way to have multiple people to accessing the same dataset?.How do I use NVivo with data on the server?.Are there cases where using NVivo online is not a good choice?.Why should I use NVivo online instead of installing the software on my computer?.How do I switch from the Faculty of Health license to the new UW license?.The University of Waterloo has licensed the qualitative analysis software NVivo for teaching and research activities.